jueves, 19 de mayo de 2011

muuuiii enooohhhhaadaa...¬¬

aaandaa sii...tuu kreeezzz

stoi enoojada por lo piinche viiboora i ponzoñoozaaa ke ereezzz


siiii a tii te stoi hablandoo...

no te hagaz patooo...


no me iimporta una puriitiitaaa...

lo ke diigaz o piienses...

ni me importa si te enojaz knmiigo...

porke le hablo a kiien te kaaee gordaa...

le voi a seguir hablandoo a kiien iio kiieraaa...

no se ke te piiensaasss...

ni mi mama me diize a kiien hablarlee

no se por ke piiensas ke puuedes

yegar a ORDENARME ke le deje de hablar...

ii veee korriiennnnnnnndooo a deziirlee a tu mamii...

ke al kabo no te sale biien hazerte la viktiimaa...


hhhmmmff....me daz algoo asii komo riisa...

jajajajajajajajaja...!! ^^

te kreeezzz muusho ii piiensas

ke por eso le puedes deziir a la gente ke hazer

vete kn akella ke te haze kazo en toodoo...

la ke se deja mangonear...

la ke, si tu kiieres, va i se aviienta del zerro del mercado


alrato ke se de kuuenta de lo miizmo ke iio...

ojalaa ii no te kedes sola....

kon lo amargada i renegona ke erezz...uufff

porke la soledad es una amiiga muui kruueel

te lo deseo de toodoo korazon...

porke io no soi iwal de vibora ke tuu

haha...besiitooozzz...!! ^^

kiisss kiisss....
i love everyone...

lunes, 9 de mayo de 2011

i love my jefiitaaa...
with all my korazon...

Estaba oscuro...
Solo el rayo de la luz de tus ojos.
Me enseñaste a respirar
y tus entrañas acariciaban mi frágil cuerpo.
Soñaba con colores
y te imaginaba hermosa,
fueron nueve meses en un mundo rosa.
Crecí de a poco con tu calor
me alimentaba con tus caricias
y frases de amor.
El momento llegaba
iba a conocerte,
estaba muy protegida
con miedo de perderte...
Se hizo la luz
una mañana de febrero,
mamá ahí estabas tú
tan maravillosa y tan dulce
como te había imaginado.
Aprendí con el correr del tiempo
y en mis andanzas peligrosas
de cada uno de tus consejos
valorados en cada acto
de mis diecinueve años,
y soñando cada vez
que me encuentro lejos,
con tus palabras
que envuelven mis vivencias
y acobardan los miedos
de mi juventud.

Cómo no quererte,
si eres la razón de mi existencia.
Cómo no quererte,
si me guías en camino justo.
Cómo no quererte,
que aprendí de tus consejos.
Cómo no quererte,
si diste toda tu vida por mi.
Como no quererte,
si tú eres la más grande para mi.
Cómo no quererte,
si de tu bella interior
me supiste cuidar y amar.
Cómo no decir,
que eres mi adoración.
Cómo no entregar,
todo amor de hija a ti.
Cómo darte las gracias,
por todas tus bendiciones.
Que DIOS te bendiga.


Madre mía,
tu silencio me confunde, me aturde
Te pido una palabra
que tienda a mi alma el saber
La palabra de oro
que despierte y encienda mis pensamientos
que aleje el misterio
Necesito sentirlas
aquellas que divulgan la verdad, los sentimientos
Esas que reclaman, que agradecen
Palabras que marcan y desarman el alma
O tan solo las que
pintan una sonrisa a la vida
que confunde o ahuyentan las heridas.
Deseo oirte, madre,
en la melodía de tus palabras
que cargan, pesan, arrastran
una historia, un recuerda
Si!!! son las que abarcan
y me cubren con su manto protector.

Todas esas, madre, bordadas y cantadas
con sinceridad, amor y dedicación.
Tienen poder, valor, consideración
porque nacen del alma
y permanecen siendo inolvidables.

Gracias mil, querido Dios
doy a ti con regocijo
al clamar cual digno hijo
"¡Cual mamá no existen dos!"
Ella es santa de alma pura
que me quiere con ternura
y no hay amor mas grande que el ella me da.
Mi sendero alumbra ella
con la luz que da la estrella
de su noble corazón...
Ella es buena... Yo la quiero
por lo tanto que me mima
y a mí nadie me ama así
ni me da su amor entero...
Por eso te pido que la cuides te todo mal
porque sin ella moriría.
Porque soy, Jesús, buena niña,
como premio a su cariño
y perenne devoción,
por ser ella mi tesoro,
con sentido amor te imploro
que le des tu bendición

Esa mujer
que noche a noche me arrulló en sus brazos,
que es dulzura, belleza y amor,
que es poesía, paz y canción,
que es gracia y me tomó en sus manos.
Esa mujer
es la luz en la más negra noche,
es un ángel que cayó del cielo,
es mi alma, mi amor y mi anhelo,
es la paz que mis penas conoce.
Esa mujer
es la más linda estrella del firmamento,
es la Luna con su sonrisa de plata,
es el consuelo que mis penas mata,
es de amor un eterno juramento.
Esa mujer
que con sus lágrimas me hiere el alma
y con su amor día tras día me embelesa
es el beso que borra mi tristeza
y mis miedos y temores calma.
A esa mujer
le dedico mis cantos y eternos alardes,
le regalo una rosa sin razón
que entre pétalos lleva mi corazón,
le llamo con amor mi querida madre

iio amo a mi jefiwiizzz...
kon todo mi korazonziito...

martes, 22 de marzo de 2011

geneeeeaaaaaaal...!!! xD

hoi fuue un diia
taaan feliiz
porke no fuue
el ingeniiero kintero
a darnoz klase
ii estoi agradeziida
por eso...


lunes, 21 de marzo de 2011

un fin de semana ke se me fuue en puuro "de okiiiz"

first i diidn`t go out on friday
`kuz i waz feeling kind of lazy
...and this one guy
told me that he would pik me up at mi house
 so wee kould go to a bar and hang out or something
...but he never showed...

on saturday i didn`t go out either
kuz i had to work
...i wanted to go to the mc-carthys irish pub
...but oh well...ni modo...
and also i had to take care of my best frien`d dog
...kuz she went to mazatlan for the weekend
...haha...but he`s a really nice dog
...he`z very obedient and lovable...

sunday was kind of nice...
kuz i went out with a friend...
we went to a 15añera
then to the "orange"
i was filled with >>nakoz<<
but i had fun anyway....
even though i don`t like that place
so..when i got home...
my friends dog wanted to attak me...
but then i kalled hiz name
and he rekognized me...
and because it waz very kold outside...
i snuk him in the house
and into my room...
and in the morning
when everybody woke up...
my moz was mad.
kuz the whole house
smelled lika dog...
but i don`t mind at all...

and today monday...
is turning out to be a very boring day...
there`s nothing interesting to do...
and i`m hungry...
but i`m to lazy to get up
and make something to eat
and i have`nt washed my uniform yet...

and thatz it...
my back hurts
because i`ve been
on the komputer
to long....

peace out people....!!

jueves, 17 de marzo de 2011

today is saint patrick´s day...

...today is saint patrick´s day...i really enjoy it because when i was little we used to celebrate this day...we ate green cake...we drank green soda...anda we always took a trap to school to see if we could catch a peorechaun that was supposed to be loose inside our school...

so...all you have to do today is go to a bar...have lots of beer and get drunk...even if your hung over the netx day at school...and if you have the chance, make love to an irish person to celebrate rhis day


Saint Patrick´s day is celebrated internationally on march 17th It is named after Saint Patrick, the most commonly recognised of the patron saints of Ireland. It is observed by the Roman Catholic Church, the Anglican Communion (especially the Church of Ireland), the Eastern Orthodox Church and Lutherans. Saint Patrick's Day was made an official feast day in the early 17th century, and has gradually become a celebration of Irish culture in general.
The day is generally characterised by the attendance of church services, wearing of green attire (especially shamrocks), and the lifting of Lenten restrictions on fasting and drinking, which is often proscribed during the rest of the season.
Saint Patrick's Day is a public holiday in the Republic of Ireland, Northern Ireland, Newfoundland and Labrador and in Montserrat. It is also widely celebrated by the Irish diaspora, especially in places such as the United Kingdom, Canada, the United States, Argentina, Australia, and New Zealand, among others.

why do people wear green on this day...¿¿

Originally, the colour associated with Saint Patrick was blue. Over the years the color green and its association with Saint Patrick's day grew. Green ribbons and shamrocks were worn in celebration of St Patrick's Day as early as the 17th century. He is said to have used the shamrock, a three-leaved plant, to explain the Holy Trinity to the pagan Irish, and the wearing and display of shamrocks and shamrock-inspired designs have become a ubiquitous feature of the day. In the 1798 rebellion, in hopes of making a political statement, Irish soldiers wore full green uniforms on 17 March in hopes of catching public attention. The phrase "the wearing of the green", meaning to wear a shamrock on one's clothing, derives from a song of the same name.


Saint Patrick's feast day, as a kind of national day, was already being celebrated by the Irish in Europe in the ninth and tenth centuries. In later times he became more and more widely known as the patron of Ireland. Saint Patrick's feast day was finally placed on the universal liturgical calendar in the Catholic Church due to the influence of Waterford-born Franciscan scholar Luke Wadding[15] in the early 1600s. Saint Patrick's Day thus became a holy day of obligation for Roman Catholics in Ireland. The church calendar avoids the observance of saints' feasts during certain solemnities, moving the saint's day to a time outside those periods. Saint Patrick's Day is occasionally affected by this requirement, when 17 March falls during Holy Week. This happened in 1940, when Saint Patrick's Day was observed on 3 April in order to avoid it coinciding with Palm Sunday, and again in 2008, where it was officially observed on 14 March (15 March being used for St. Joseph, which had to be moved from March 19), although the secular celebration still took place on 17 March. Saint Patrick's Day will not fall within Holy Week again until 2160. (In other countries, St. Patrick's feast day is also March 17, but liturgical celebration is omitted when impeded by Sunday or by Holy Week.)
In 1903, Saint Patrick's Day became an official public holiday in Ireland. This was thanks to the Bank Holiday (Ireland) Act 1903, an act of the United Kingdom Parliament introduced by Irish MP James O'Mara. O'Mara later introduced the law that required that pubs and bars be closed on 17 March after drinking got out of hand, a provision that was repealed in the 1970s. The first Saint Patrick's Day parade held in the Irish Free State was held in Dublin in 1931 and was reviewed by the then Minister of Defence Desmond Fitzgerald. Although secular celebrations now exist, the holiday remains a religious observance in Ireland, for both the Roman Catholic Church and the Church of Ireland.
In the mid-1990s the Irish government began a campaign to use Saint Patrick's Day to showcase Ireland and its culture. The government set up a group called St. Patrick's Festival,


In every year since 1991, March has been proclaimed Irish-American Heritage Month by the US Congress or President due to the date of St. Patrick's Day. Today, Saint Patrick's Day is widely celebrated in America by Irish and non-Irish alike. It is one of the leading days for consumption of alcohol in the United States, and is typically one of the busiest days of the year for bars and restaurants. Many people, regardless of ethnic background, wear green clothing and items. Traditionally, those who are caught not wearing green are pinched affectionately.
Seattle and other cities paint the traffic stripe of their parade routes green. Chicago dyes its river green and has done so since 1962 when sewer workers used green dye to check for sewer discharges and had the idea to turn the river green for Saint Patrick's Day. Originally 100 pounds of vegetable dye was used to turn the river green for a whole week but now only forty pounds of dye is used and the colour only lasts for several hours. Indianapolis also dyes its main canal green. Savannah dyes its downtown city fountains green. Missouri University of Science and Technology - St Pat's Board Alumni paint 12 city blocks kelly green with mops before the annual parade. In Jamestown, New York, the Chadakoin River (a small tributary that connects Conewango Creek with its source at Chautauqua Lake) is dyed green each year.
Columbia, SC dyes its fountain green in the area known as Five Points (a popular collegiate location near the University of South Carolina). A two day celebration is held over St Patrick's Day weekend. In Boston, Evacuation Day is celebrated as a public holiday for Suffolk County. While officially commemorating the British departure from Boston, it was made an official holiday after Saint Patrick's Day parades had been occurring in Boston for several decades, and is often believed to have been popularised because of its falling on the same day as Saint Patrick's Day.


also from this day comes the belief of the leprechauns, which is a type of fairy creature from the irish folklore, usually taking the form of an old man, clad in a red or green coat, who enjoys partaking in mischief. Like other fairy creatures, leprechauns have been linked to the Tuatha Dé Danann of Irish mythology. The Leprechauns spend all their time busily making shoes, and store away all their coins in a hidden pot of gold at the end of the rainbow. If ever captured by a human, the Leprechaun has the magical power to grant three wishes in exchange for their release. Popular depiction shows the Leprechaun as being no taller than a small child, with a beard and hat, although they may originally have been perceived as the tallest of the mound-dwellers (the Tuatha Dé Danann)


The name leprechaun is derived from the Irish word leipreachán, defined by Patrick Dinneen as "a pigmy, a sprite, or leprechaun". The further derivation is less certain; according to most sources, the word is thought to be a corruption of Middle Irish luchrupán, from the Old Irish luchorpán, a compound of the roots lú (small) and corp (body).The root corp, which was borrowed from the Latin corpus, attests to the early influence of Ecclesiastical Latin on the Irish language. The alternative spelling leithbrágan stems from a folk etymology deriving the word from leith (half) and bróg (brogue), because of the frequent portrayal of the leprechaun as working on a single shoe.


The earliest known reference to the leprechaun appears in the medieval tale known as the Echtra Fergus mac Léti (English: Adventure of Fergus son of Léti). The text contains an episode in which Fergus mac Léti, King of Ulster, falls asleep on the beach and wakes to find himself being dragged into the sea by three lúchorpáin. He captures his abductors, who grant him three wishes in exchange for release.
The leprechaun is said to be a solitary creature, whose principal occupation is making and mending shoes, and who enjoys practical jokes. According to William Butler Yeats, the great wealth of these fairies comes from the "treasure-crocks, buried of old in war-time", which they have uncovered and appropriated. According to McAnally the leprechaun is the son of an "evil spirit" and a "degenerate fairy" and is "not wholly good nor wholly evil".


The leprechaun originally had a different appearance depending on where in Ireland he was found. Prior to the 20th century, it was generally held that the leprechaun wore red, not green. Samuel Lover, writing in 1831, describes the leprechaun as,

According to Yeats, the solitary fairies, like the leprechaun, wear red jackets, whereas the "trooping fairies" wear green. The leprechaun's jacket has seven rows of buttons with seven buttons to each row. On the western coast, he writes, the red jacket is covered by a frieze one, and in Ulster the creature wears a cocked hat, and when he is up to anything unusually mischievous, he leaps on to a wall and spins, balancing himself on the point of the hat with his heels in the air."
